Invisalign: An Effective, Discreet, and Convenient Alternative to Traditional Braces at Lakewood Dental Studio

Feb 26, 2024

Misaligned, crooked, or crowded teeth not only affect the appearance of your smile, but they can also lead to dental issues such as difficulty in cleaning, gum disease, and increased risk of tooth decay. Traditional metal braces have long been the standard treatment for correcting dental misalignments; however, their conspicuous appearance and uncomfortable nature may cause some individuals to avoid seeking orthodontic treatment. 

Invisalign – a revolutionary clear aligner system – presents a more discreet, comfortable and convenient alternative, making it an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking to improve their smiles. These clear aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, making them a more comfortable and convenient option for many patients. Invisalign is an ideal treatment for teens and adults seeking a less noticeable solution to traditional braces, helping them achieve proper oral alignment without compromising their appearance.

In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of Invisalign treatment at Lakewood Dental Studio, discuss the process and cost, and present insights into the outcomes you can expect. By understanding how this innovative orthodontic solution works and its advantages over conventional braces, you can make an informed decision about whether Invisalign is the right treatment for you and take the first step to attaining the flawless smile you deserve.

Advantages of Choosing Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign offers various benefits that make it an attractive alternative to traditional braces, including:


Invisalign aligners are made from clear, medical-grade plastic, making them almost invisible when worn. This discreet appearance is particularly appealing to adults and teens who feel self-conscious about wearing traditional metal braces.


Unlike metal braces with sharp brackets and wires, Invisalign aligners are smooth and comfortable. There are no poking or irritation associated with Invisalign, making it a more pleasant option for patients.


Invisalign aligners are removable, which means you can take them off when eating, drinking, brushing, or flossing. This feature allows you to maintain better oral hygiene and avoid food restrictions that are common with metal braces.

Faster Treatment Time

In many cases, Invisalign treatment can result in shorter treatment time than traditional braces, with an average duration of 12 to 18 months, depending on the severity of the misalignment.

Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is suitable for a wide range of patients, including:


Invisalign is an excellent option for teenagers, as it addresses many of their concerns about braces, such as appearance, comfort, and convenience. Invisalign Teen, a variant of the standard Invisalign system, includes additional features specifically designed for teenagers, like compliance indicators and additional aligners.


Invisalign is popular among adults seeking to correct their dental alignment while maintaining a professional appearance. As clear aligners are more discreet and removable, they allow adults to continue their daily activities without any hindrance.

Mild to Moderate Cases

Invisalign is suitable for patients with mild to moderate dental misalignments, such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, open bites, gapped teeth, and crowding.

However, it is crucial to consult with our dental professionals at Lakewood Dental Studio to determine if you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment.

The Invisalign Treatment Process

The process of receiving Invisalign treatment at Lakewood Dental Studio involves several steps:

Initial Consultation

During your first visit, our dental professionals will examine your teeth and discuss your concerns. Based on this assessment, we will determine if Invisalign is the best treatment option for your case.

Treatment Plan

If you are deemed a suitable candidate, we will create a customized treatment plan outlining the expected treatment time, number of aligners, and anticipated results.

Digital Scans and Aligner Fabrication

We will take digital scans of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom-fitted aligners. These aligners are developed using advanced 3D imaging technology, ensuring a precise fit and effective movement of your teeth.

Aligner Usage

You will receive your first set of aligners and instructions on how to wear them. You are required to wear the aligners for 20-22 hours per day, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. You will switch to a new set of aligners every 1-2 weeks, as directed by our dental professionals.

Progress Monitoring

We will schedule regular checkups (usually every 4-6 weeks) to ensure your treatment is progressing as planned and to make adjustments to your treatment plan if necessary.


Once your treatment is complete, you will need to wear a retainer to maintain the new position of your teeth. Our dental team will guide you on the appropriate retainer usage for your case.

Costs Associated With Invisalign Treatment

The cost of Invisalign treatment can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the duration of treatment. At Lakewood Dental Studio, we strive to offer competitive pricing and comprehensive dental care solutions for our patients. We also provide various financing options and accept most dental insurance plans, making it easier for you to achieve the smile you've always wanted.


Invisalign treatment in Dallas at Lakewood Dental Studio is an effective, discreet, and convenient alternative to traditional braces, enabling you to attain a perfect smile without compromising your comfort or appearance. By understanding the benefits, treatment process, and candidacy for Invisalign, you can make an informed decision about the best orthodontic option for your individual needs. 

At Lakewood Dental Studio, we offer
Invisalign treatment to help our patients achieve a beautiful, healthy, and perfectly aligned smile. Schedule a consultation with our Dallas dental professionals at Lakewood Dental Studio to determine if Invisalign is the right solution for your journey toward a beautiful, healthy, and perfectly aligned smile!

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